
Fabien Mpouma – Germany

Fabien Mpouma is the training and education director at Aerobis, a personal trainer and owner of Die Kiste in Siegburg. He is considered to be an expert in the field of Functional Training, sports rehabilitation, a health movement specialist, an A-licence athletic trainer and an A-licence football athletic trainer. Fabien is also a lecturer in varius training institutes like Sportlerei Academy and Academy AHAB. He is also the International Head Trainer for the aeroSling Certification Course, the blackPack Certification Course, Blackthorn Battle Ropes and Heavy Jump Ropes Certification Course and the Revvll Endless Rope Certification Course. With over 10 years of experience as a trainer and a speaker, Fabien belongs to the people who were allowed to turn their passion into a profession and educates himself regularly to be at a peak level of performance.